Ditch the Bread and add that Butter to your Coffee instead

Fat is not fattening (Hard to believe! I don’t blame you)

For decades we have been told fat is bad. It is no wonder as a lot of research (sponsored by big food companies) has reiterated that ‘reduce your calories to reduce your weight’. This approach may work if you starved yourselves. However, it will also deprive your body of essential nutrients and will make you feel fatigued all the time. Our body burns carbohydrates very quickly, which means if we ate a carbohydrate-rich diet, we will feel hungry more often (good for food businesses but not so good for our body). Also, if the body gets all the energy it needs from the carbohydrates we eat, it will keep storing the fat and will never go in ‘fat-burning mode’. 

As most of you will be aware that many of our body’s functions are dependent on hormones. For the body to start burning fat for energy we must have lower levels of insulin. Eating carbohydrates increases the insulin levels in our...

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